Monday, November 16, 2009


Life goes by so fast. I am just realizing that as I approach 40. God has been so good to me and I worry that with life passing so fast that I will forget. I have tried to journal the traditional way and have had little luck. Maybe this is better. Maybe not. We will see, won't we? :)
I am blessed to be where I am right now. Married to a wonderful man. Mom to 4 great kids and stepmom to another great daughter. Life is filled.
Life is stressful right now. I am sick of being tired and tired of being sick. I went to the chiroprator today to see if maybe she could help get rid of some of these illnesses.
I often wonder how God puts up with all the whining that I do. I am sick, I am tired, I am busy, I am bored...the list goes on and on. How does he not get aggrivated with my humaness? It reminds me to give that same grace and mercy to my husband and children.
So, this is my life's journey. I read a book once called 'Stepping Heavenward'. I hope to cronicle my journey as was done in this book. For myself but also for my children. So we both know that journey towards God is begun and neverending. So that I never forget and my children will know.